What happens at the end with Fang Yu Ze?

Fang Yu Ze finds out that Dong Ting Yao is investigating if he was the one who forged Fang Tian Yi’s handwriting.

He sexually abuses her and holds her prisoner. Then Tian Yi comes to her rescue and they have a fight.

Yu Ze takes Tian Yi prisoner and tortures him.

In an oversight Tian Yi manages to escape and kills all the soldiers who were helping Yu Ze, then they have a hand-to-hand fight in which Tian Yi ends up winning, so Yu Ze falls unconscious to the ground.

At that moment Ting Yao approaches Tian Yi and they have a talk about everything that happened and declare their love.

Yu Ze wakes up and takes the gun and Tian Yi realizes it, so when Yu Ze shoots, Tian Yi stands in front of Ting Yao and he gets shot.

Then Ting Yao takes the gun and shoots at Yu Ze.

So Yu Ze ends up dying.

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What I hate about the ending

I don´t mind about sad endings, when one of the leading characters die or they don´t end up together.

For me these was an incoherent ending.

She was in a meeting with a person doing business and talks about having a bad-tempered husband. But Tian Yi is already dead and that is why she is the new governor.

Then she leaves the house and we see that she finds a soldier just like Tian Yi and starts talking to him. We don’t know if she is imagining it or if Tian Yi has lost his memory.

So the drama doesn´t leaves you with a sense of sandness, it leaves you with a sense of confusion.

Hope that Maid´s Revenge Ending Explained helps you


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One Comment

  1. Le briquet au sol qu’elle ramasse et lui donne semble être celui de Tian Yi. Difficile de penser qu’il a perdu la mémoire vu qu’il n’a pas été blessé à la tête.
    Une fin très confuse… et que ferait-il en simple soldat ? Je n’ai pas du tout aimé… à moins que l’on est une suite cohérente, mais ça c’est pas gagné 😉

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